Have questions about Formation, Compliance, or Taxes?

  • Startup Formation
  • Licenses
  • Tax
  • Compliances
  • Company

  1. General
  • This is an electronic Document as per the Information Technology Act, 2000, and the rules of electronic record are applicable to this Document as per the amended provisions of the Information Technology Act, 2000.
  • Rule 3 (1) of the Information Technology (Intermediaries guidelines) Rules, 2011 says that the privacy policy, terms, and conditions, along with other rules, shall be published. Therefore, this Document is published under the same rule for using information from ApkaTax.in
  • The domain name https://ApkaTax.in/ ("Website") is owned and operated by (“Company”), registered under Indian laws, and has its registered office at B Block, Plot No 49, Sector 63, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201301. All current or former employees, users, or anyone contacting us through email will come under the purview of this policy.
  • It is understood that the entering the website has already read and agreed to the terms and conditions and other rules and regulations of the website. Moreover, the user understands and agrees that while entering the website for any purpose, he has explicitly agreed to all the company's policies and terms and conditions, and no signature is required.
  • By using the website, the user authorises ApkaTax to use, share, or disclose any information as required in the privacy policy.
  • For staying updated with the current laws and other legal requirements, the company keeps changing and updating its privacy policy and terms and conditions on a regular basis. The user consents to these changes, and the user must regularly check the company's privacy policy and terms and conditions. We do not owe any duty to inform the user before or after updating the policy. If the user operates the website after the company has changed its privacy policy, terms, and conditions, he is deemed to have agreed to it.
  • ApkaTax is a company registered in India, and we provide information as per Indian laws. Therefore, if you use our website in any country, then you yourself will be liable for the same as we cannot keep up with the local laws of every country.
  • The user agrees that the terms and conditions, privacy policy, rules, and guidelines of the company form an agreement between the user and the company that cannot be revoked later. Furthermore, this agreement does not require any signature for enforcement. The user and the company enter into an agreement as soon as the user starts using the website. Also, the user is deemed to have fully agreed to all the terms of the company by visiting the website. He is also responsible for regularly checking the terms and conditions, privacy policy, rules, guidelines, etc., to look for any changes.
  1. Collection of Information
  • As soon as the user starts using the website, he submits a few details either on the website or via mail. All those information, either personal or professional, is collected for future use. Even if the user provides any Documents to the company by any mode, all the Documents or records are managed by the company, and the user has due knowledge of the same and agrees on it.
  • The user agrees that in case of using the website of ApkaTax for personal reasons, the personal information of the user will be collected by the company through an IP address. The information collected can be in the form of browsing history, user behaviour, software used, mobile data, etc. The company uses all this information for conducting its internal research. Moreover, suppose the user visits the corporate office of the company. In that case, the user agrees that the company will collect the information taken from him at the time of inquiry for future reference.
  • The user is aware and agrees that any personal or other information collected by the company is kept in a separate folder in the company's system that is specially made for collecting information.
  • The user agrees that the data entered by the user during any online survey, inquiry, or competition are collected by the company. Also, the user’s feedback, review, or opinion about ApkaTax are recorded and can be used by the company on its website as testimonials to help other customers.
  • As the users visit our website or take benefit of our services, they agree to share their personal information such as IP address, name, and other information with us. Moreover, the user is also aware and agrees that this information will also be used by the company's service providers, business partners, and agents.
  • Our motive behind collecting and using your personal information is to understand your behaviour and provide you with only relevant updates. By collecting user information, we try to understand the clients' requirements and provide them better user experience.
  1. Third-Party Activities
  • The website of ApkaTax might include some third-party links at any time. Whereas we do not incorporate these links, and we do not have any control over the collection of any user data through these third-party links, and the user cannot hold ApkaTax liable for any such act.
  • ApkaTax tries to protect your data in every possible manner. Still, we do not hold liability for loss of data due to any third-party activity or server failure or any such activity that is not in our control.
  • Moreover, the company can verify or authenticate any or all your information at any time so that there are no discrepancies between the user and the company, and provide delivery of services is ensured.
  • The user might experience cookies at certain parts of the website. Even the user can decline the cookies if their browsing history allows for the same. Moreover, by accepting the cookies, the user allows and agrees to the cookies to save their browsing history to remember the user till the time they log in again in the coming future.
  1. Information Sharing
  • The user agrees to share his personal information with other entities, businesses, or affiliates due to any legality or legal requirements, such as safeguarding personal safety or protecting the national interest of the user or any other person.
  • The user agrees to share their personal details with people, including but not limited to our contractors, third-party service providers, or agents who manage or use your information to provide a better user experience.
  • In case ApkaTax plans to merge, amalgamate, restructure, or work with any other organisation. Your information will be shared with that particular entity, and the user has due knowledge of the same and agrees to it.
  1. User’s Consent

The users consent to use or share the information they provided by any means, through the company's website, via mail, or offline mode. The information provided by the user will be shared as per Section 4 of this policy.

  1. Modification of Privacy Policy
  • The information the user shares with the company will stay with us for a longer time or until the company deems it necessary.
  • If you do not want the company to correct, or delete your personal details or information, then you can contact us by writing to info@ApkaTax.com. Please be sure to specify your requirements as to whether you want us to delete or modify your information. We will look into the matter and try to abide by your requirement as soon as possible.
  1. Dispute Resolution

The user and the company's team are deemed to agree that in case of any disputes related to the formation, interpretation, and performance of the policy, the issue must be resolved by way of Alternative Dispute Resolution in two ways. Moreover, the user also agrees that the terms of the policy will still retain even after the expiry or termination of the policy.

  • Mediation: In case of any dispute between the parties, they must try to resolve the matter by way of mediation, where both parties must reach a conclusion after discussing the issue among themselves within 30 days. If the issue stays unsolved, it will then be transferred to arbitration.
  • Arbitration: If the parties fail to resolve the issue by mediation, it will be transferred to arbitration. An arbitrator is appointed, and his award will be binding on both parties. The arbitrator may direct any of the parties to incur the cost of the proceeding, or else both parties must bear the individual price of their proceedings. Moreover, the arbitration proceeding will take place in English, and the place of conducting the proceeding will be in Delhi.
  1. Contact us

If you have any queries or questions regarding the company's privacy policy, or in case you wish to access your rights, you can contact us directly through the contact section of the company's website.